Letter from Director of Programs
Dear LCAC community,
It is an honor and a privilege to be able to introduce myself as the new Director of Programs for the Latino Cultural Arts Center of Colorado.
I was born on the west side of Denver to a Mexican immigrant family, where I went through the public-school system. After graduating from South High, I attended Colorado College where I majored in political science and Spanish literature.
Before joining the LCAC team, I was a Ph.D. student in Santa Cruz, California in the education department. Prior to that, in 2014, I used my master’s project at CU Boulder to work with Adrianna to develop the concept plan of what would become the LCAC. After taking a hard look at where my career was going, I decided that I needed something more connected to the community.
Why did I come back for this opportunity? As I was deciding to leave, I realized that without art a community lacks the imagination to spark and sustain a social justice movement. Research and theory are not enough – you need creative action.
I want to thank you all for having supported the LCAC through the years and invite you to join the next phase of developing the arts academy and continue growing with us.
We will be sharing more information soon!