Who are You?
Tamil Maldonado Vega, originally from Puerto Rico, I’m the founder of Barrio E’, an organization that fosters Latino Arts and Culture in Colorado, and Co-Founder of Raíces Brewing Company, a Cervecería Latina in Denver, Colorado that will open September 2019. How would you describe the cultural impact you’ve had in Denver?
I have been involved with self-managed community organizations, non-profits, city and community groups for the advancement of the Latino community. I am drawn towards topics of social justice, underrepresented groups, gaps and challenges, cultural needs, and their sustainability and how resiliency, resistance and activism has been adopted or expressed by these groups
My main impact in Colorado has been bringing awareness to Pan-American identities, cultivating Latino leadership, advocating for diversity in the arts in Colorado, and producing environments for multiculturalism to flourish.
Why is it vital for LCAC to exist?
Spaces where we can get the right information about Latinos - our history - where we can have our own voice and connect as community has been lacking in Colorado. LCAC provides that vehicle where we can learn, educate, support and create in a safe inclusive place. Where we can feel empowered, take ownership and share who we are and will always be.
What are you looking forward to when LCAC opens?
I am looking forward to the programming at LCAC, and to see individuals using the space in unique ways. Most importantly, I am looking forward to building and strengthening community knowledge and power through LCAC.